It was nice I ate till I can't move my butt body. I was a chicken soup plus raw beef and cabbage. That dish is cooked by famous chief "ពូមុខចាស់ឆ្លាំង".
Here are the recipe:
- Chicken ( prefer with bone)
- Garlic
- Spring onion
- Beef
- Cilantro
- Egg
- Mustardgreen
- Cambodian chili source

How to cook..

First, chop the chicken and then set it aside. Chop the garlic and set it aside. Prepare the water in a bowl and wait until it is boiled. Put garlic together with your chicken. Put some seasoning as you taste but it shouldn't be too salty or sweet. Clean the cabbage and prepare it in a nice plate. Sliding the beef and put one egg.

How to serve..

Serve it like soup by putting the beef and raw cabbage. Serve with source.
It would be nice if got a can of beer...Enjoy the lunch while listening to the country music.

Have a nice meal Cambodia!

Since most of my known bloggers started to write about their own emotional feeling, I would love to write one. This one is extracted from my personal diary. You know it is really fun to read and remember back what we have been through. Without my diary I won't remember much detail about my actions in the past. Some time I found myself such an idiot. I wonder why I react that way.............. Read and hope you enjoy! It is hard to for me to find a good one that is simple and easy to understand...Opp this is my first text since I've arrived in Malaysia...Not really interesting but just wanna share!

08/08/2007 11:23 pm

Yeah....Oh I have time to write down all of my memories of the day. Yeah I went to class as normal in the early morning. Nothing much to do beside reading texts, laughing and the most important thing is sleeping in class. I feel I've learn about myself from time to time (just to clarify I don't know why I got this sentence also). I really miss everything in Cambodia. I used to hang out with my best friends. I went to eat bread then desert by a small motorbike almost every evening. Oh God I miss that time. I know myself that I draw close to Him now (Just wanna clarify...writing Him in capitol letter means God or Jesus). Opp I bought a book today for my quite time with Him. Yeah I did do what I've promised with my brother. I spend at least 3o minutes reading bible and listen to Him as a good child (lolz Som laugh mouy...write lop lop). I really miss my mom and my sisters. I can't wait to see them before I return back home. Hope God will protect them and bright them love. Amen.

End 12:10 pm.

Hahaha Yeah it does matter to me right now. I've changed a lot from being a good son of Him. Now I spend very less time reading the bible or spending time with Him. I should begin my routine back. I don't know what else to share from my diary. I can feel I am such an emotional guy...writing a diary..ah but I love to read it back. There are good time and mean time. The good time will put my smile back and the latter one will help me to mirror myself from my mistakes that I have done. I wish I could share my good time with you all next time.

Good Night Cambodia!

PS: The photo above was taken at UTP lake by Nokia 6500 Slide 3.2MP Carl Zeiss camera^^.

My roommate and I brought three types of biscuit..They are Almond Biscuit (Almond London), Chocolate Biscuit with Crispy Crunch and Pineapple Tart. They are home-made cookies (not me I bought from my friend, his mom made it). Our room will open for Hari Raya. Come and visit us and try our cookies of the Ramadhan!

Since today cycle alone, and luckily I brought my roommate's phone. So why not give a shot. The phone is Nokia N97 with Camera 5.4 MP (Carl Zeiss). Have a look at the mosque during the Fasting Break (When the Muslims gather at the mosque for their prayer before they begin their dinner after a whole day time fasting).

has been to gym for 6 months.
is so happy to see body sharp change.
hope next 6 months will be more improve.

On Sunday, I went to join a dinner at Royal Grand Hall in Ipoh. It was 25th anniversary of Church of Praise (COP). I was so tired and sleepy because I didn't have enough sleep on Saturday night. But you know what changed from a tired-damn-sleep Rhino to become an energetic Rhino? Food And Srey Sa Art!

This is my first time that I can taste nice Chinese food in Malaysia. I ate like hell...Oh man
It was so delicious and man they are so sexy and pretty....But I didn't have chance to take photo with them. Oh wait I got one but with my church member. She is not pretty and a bit...hehehe...look at the photos by yourself. Our church member from Tronoh cheer a lot when they saw the montage that talks about Cambodia. My church also supports several church in Cambodia. I wish I could have to chance to help them also.

Let's have a look at the photos....


I am not sure why I got this feeling but I hope it will remain as fire in my heart......

As I remember the day before yesterday night I was cooking for my dinner. Suddenly, the word Tonle Sap came to my head. I started to wonder why this word appeared in my brain. After 10 minutes later, I started to feel bad about what happens to her. She has been feeding Cambodian for long century. She has been prospered her people. Thousands tones of fish was collected every year. But now the number has declined day by day, the lake was polluted by her people. She faces so many problems....
Overexploitation of fisheries and wildlife resources, Flooded forest deforestation, Agriculture expansion, Agriculture runoff, Deforestation in the watersheds...
Does it bother me? I asked myself..

Then I feel I got a mission I need to do something for her in return for her gratefulness to my beloved country, my beloved people, my beloved family, my beloved friends and myself.

I hope I can share and show you all about Her beauties...

"ចាប់ផ្តើមពីដៃរបស់យើង សង្រ្គោះទន្លេសាប" "Move Our Hand, Save Our Tonle Sap".

I hope you enjoy the song...

Tonle Sap

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