Love does not require the same visions.

when... you called me "My boy".

He was once picked up his phone and called to his Mama...

Mama, which part of my body that look like Papa? Son asked,
Sisters laughed out loud....Mama was also laughing...Son was crying (in side his heart :P) ...
Non of your body look like Papa...Sisters shouted (can be heard from phone)...
You look like Mama that is the luckiest things Son can ever have...(Son got jealous cuz all of his sisters look resemble to his Papa..), Mama replied.

Son was still wondering and searching for part that look resemble to his Papa...

.......... one year later..........

He just finished watching Cambodian Traditional Dance and he sang along and took bath.
God.... He realized that he is just another twin of his father.


Lord, forgive what I have done!
Forgive me if I have forgotten you!
Sorry if I broke your heart! But I know you are always welcome me back with your warm hugs.
I am like a flower, quickly fading.. Reign my heart Lord.

Dear you, who's reading this letter
Where are you and what are you doing?
For my 15 year old self, I can't tell anyone
About the causes of my worries

If I wrote a letter addressed to my future self
Surely I can speak truthfully from my heart

Now, it seems I'm going to be defeated and cry
For me who seems to disappear
Who's words should I believe in?
This one-and-only heart of mine
Has been broken many times
But in the midst of the pain, I live in the present
I live in the present

Dear you, thank you
I have something I want to tell the 15 year old you
If you continue asking where you should go and why
You'll see the answer

The stormy seas of youth may be hard
But keep rowing your boat of dreams
On towards the shores of tomorrow

Now, please don't be defeated and please don't cry
In the time that seems to disappear
You should believe in your own voice
For my adult self, there are sleepless nights
When I, too, am hurt
But I'm still living in the bittersweet present

Because there's a meaning to all of our lives
Raise your dreams without fear

Keep on believing

It seems I'm going to be defeated and cry
For me who seems to disappear
Who's words should I believe in?

Ah, please don't be defeated, please don't cry
In the time that seems to disappear
You should believe in your own voice
In these ages
You cannot run away from sorrow
But show your smile and go on living in the present
Go on living in the present

Dear you, who's reading this letter
I wish you happiness

It's my all time favorite song!
I prefer the instrumental version but when I upload it detect the originality. I have no choice but to grab a link from youtube! Have a good night :)

Happy Birthday Buddy!

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