Pal Vudhiden, Seoung Socheatra, Sina Davuth

I would like to say congratulation to my friend "HO CHIA MING" for his graduation day and he won the first place for Final Year Project for Engineering Design. He was given RM500 ( about $150). During the graduation ceremony, he will be awarded with "Rector Award". Well done my friend! :D

Yeah...finally I got something to post neng ke hey lolZz..

After so many days of sleepless night, it finally comes to the presentation.My research is about Data Packet Size Optimization for Underwater Communication Acoustic Network. That is the most headache research that I have deal with. There were so many obstacles. So my advice is if you are willing to do the research, be well prepare d for the sleepless night and the headache. But one good thing is when you got a good result, you will be a lot happy. Well let talks about my presentation. Pre EDX is the process whereby all the final year students as well as the engineering students who involves in Engineering Team Projects or Open Innovative Group present their projects and they will be selected to join the Engineering Exhibition of the university which comes at the end of the semester. haaha for my presentation, at first it went so smooth from introduction, problem statement up to research scope. When I was about to continue my Literature Review....the evaluators stopped me and asking me so many questions. hahahah It screwed up of my prepared boring speech with those crazy mathematics notations. Well they asked about this and that but not the technical parts. Just to keep in mind that the evaluators do not have the same background of my research fields. I think they focus on how I conduct the research and my contribution to this research and finally they recommended about comparing this research with other related works/papers. I got one word at the end "GOOD"! I hope it is a good sign and one evaluator asked about the picture that I put in my slide to represent the underwater. That is the picture on the right. Who can tell what plant is that?

That is my join research with my other two friends namely Mei Le, and Shafwan. Well the ultimate goal of this research is to help my supervisor for his Doctorate Degree. My supervisor helps us a lots. A special thanks to him and my teammates. :D

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